
Open Day with Ikhala TVET College.

Open Day with Ikhala TVET College.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Ina Dike

The Ikhala TVET College still goes beyond in ensuring that learners in high schools get sense and knowledge about this vocational educational institution.

On 11 September 2019, the institution held its open day at Sterkspruit Campus.  The purpose behind initiative was to inform the local school pupils in the area about the various programmes and courses available at the institution, and how they can go about accessing these at College.

According to Registrar – Student Support Services: Advocate Mgaleli, “The aim of this event is to ensure that students get meaning of TVET College and the benefits that come with it”. He further emphasised that “… learners should remove the mind set of thinking that people who go to TVET colleges are not intelligent”; expressing that “… there are many advantages when one is a college student”.

Relevant stakeholders, such SETAs, Department of Labour, and the Department of Public works were part of the programme – with their information stalls available on the day. These stakeholders played a big role in informing learners about the employment opportunities, funding and support services offered to learners should they require experiential learning.

Ikhala TVET College Alumnus Lelethu Mdladlamba and Nontlahla Mpambani blessed the day with their presence, expressing their gratitude to the institution by sharing their experiences, and giving tips to learners on how to elevate themselves and become the success they can be.

The Financial Aid Office of the college offered students to come use the computer labs for funding applications, as they will be guided through steps in applying, getting bursaries and assist in any form of getting funding.

SRC president Lebo Mthakathi gave warm welcome to the learners sharing everything that comes with being a student.  The student-president informed learners about the amazing experiences they will get, the exposure of life away from home; she further gave wise words in ensuring that learners should never forget of what is expected of them back at home. She advised students to involve themselves in extra mural activities available at the institution so as to avoid getting into reckless behaviours.

Students were exposed to what takes place inside the lecturer rooms, they went to labs entering each class taken through by the dedicated Ikhala TVET lecturers thought various activities done in the classes.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]