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Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct


  • 1.1 A student is guilty of misconduct if she/he:
    • 1.1.1 Intentionally or negligently contravenes or subverts, or attempts to
      contravene or subvert, or assists, encourages or persuades any other person to contravene or subvert a code, regulation, rule or instruction of Ikhala TVET College:
    • 1.1.2 Refuses or fails to comply with a lawful instruction or request of an employee of Ikhala TVET College authorises to give such instruction or make such request, or acts contrary to such instruction or request;
    • 1.1.3 Commits any statutory or common law crime whilst on the premises of Ikhala TVET College;
    • 1.1.4 Intentionally or negligently misuses, damages, defaces ,destroys or alienates, or without authorisation, uses any building, furniture or equipment, computer, vehicle, notes, documents or any other thing owned or controlled by Ikhala TVET College or by any employee of Ikhala TVET College or by any registered student of Ikhala TVET College;
    • 1.1.5 Intentionally or negligently mismanages and/or misappropriates funds of Ikhala TVET College;
    • 1.1.6 Introduces intoxicating liquor onto the premises of Ikhala TVET College without the consent of the Principal (or a person duly authorised by the principal) or consumes or abuses intoxicating liquor and/or is under the influence of such liquor while on the premises of Ikhala TVET College;
    • 1.1.7 Introduces an illegal dependence-producing drug ( as defined in Section 1 of the Drugs and Drug T king Act,1992) onto the premises of Ikhala TVET College, or is found to be in possession of such illegal substance or is under the influence of such substance whilst on the premises of Ikhala TVET College
    • 1.1.8 Without proper authorisation:
    • Brings onto or stores on the premises of Ikhala Public TVET College a firearm, other dangerous weapon, fuel that cannot reasonably be shown to be required for the operation of a motor vehicle or any explosive device; or
    • Allows or arranges for the afore-going to be brought onto or stored on the premises of Ikhala TVET College;
    • 1.1.9 Sexually or otherwise harasses any person ( as defined in Sexual Harassment Policy(Students) whilst on Ikhala TVET College premises;
    • 1.1.10 Acts in a racist manner towards any person whilst on Ikhala TVET College premises;
    • 1.1.11 Commits an accident act on the premises of Ikhala TVET College;
    • 1.1.12 Unlawfully expresses, publishes or disseminates in speech , writing, print or other medium on the premises of Ikhala TVET College any views, beliefs or ideology which would infringe upon the dignity or other human rights of any student or groups of students, or any employee of Ikhala TVET College, or person invited by Ikhala TVET College as guest;
    • 1.1.13 Without the written permission of the campus Head/ Manager and CEO uses the name of Ikhala TVET College; or uses or displays the logo and/ or the Coat of Arms of Ikhala TVET College;
    • 1.1.14 Convenes as assembly on the premises of Ikhala TVET College without obtaining the prior consent of the campus Head/ Manager and the CEO (or the person duly authorised by him/ her) or the management of the Administration centre, or attends a gathering prohibited by the campus Head/ Manager and CEO or management of the regional centre;
    • 1.1.15 Knowingly makes a false statement about Ikhala TVET College or otherwise intentionally provides materially false information to anyone in or outside of Ikhala TVET College and about Ikhala TVET College;
    • 1.1.16 Intentionally or negligently tenders or presents to any employees of Ikhala TVET College any document which he or she knows or ought reasonably to know to be false or a forgery and which causes or has the potential to cause prejudice to the administrative, financial or academic interests of Ikhala TVET
    • 1.1.17 Accepts or offers a bribe to students, employees or any other official of Ikhala TVET College;
    • 1.1.18 Reproduces or transmits in any form or manner, whether electronically or mechanically (including photocopy and faxing), any study guide, book, thesis, dissertation article, examination paper, lecture, printed tutorial matter or any other study aids in respect of which copyright exists, unless such reproduction
      or transmission is done in a manner authorised in terms of the Copyright Act, 1978 (as amended), and unless the copyright owner’s permission for reproduction or transmission is obtained;
    • 1.1.19 Contravenes the provisions of the Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism Policy of Ikhala TVET College as it relates to plagiarism;
    • 1.1.20 Collects money or offers goods for sale or advertises goods on the premises of Ikhala TVET College without the permission of the campus Heads/ Manager and CEO (or a person duly authorised by him/ her) or the management of Ikhala TVET College;
    • 1.1.21 Neglects or refuses to return library material borrowed from Ikhala TVET College library;
    • 1.1.22 Behaves in a way that leads or may lead to the consequences described below, if such consequences were or should reasonably have been foreseen at the time when such behaviour occurred. Such behaviour include conduct by which:
      • The good name and reputation of Ikhala TVET College is or may be impaired,
      • The maintenance of order, discipline and security at Ikhala TVET College is or maybe prejudiced, or imperiled or
      • The process of tuition, research and administration and general Ikhala TVET College activities are or may be prejudiced or imperiled.
    • 1.1 With specific regard to assessments, a student is guilty of misconduct if he/ she cheats in any Ikhala TVET College examination.
    • 5.2.1 For purpose of this rule ‘examination’ includes all assessments of student’s performance organised and/ or conducted in the name of Ikhala TVET College
    • 1.1.2 Further for the purpose of this rule, ‘cheating’ includes;
      • The possession of any unauthorised notes and /or aid(s) in the examination venue after the first answer book or question paper is made available to students, which may assist the student in the examination;
      • The use or attempted use during an examination of any note or aid, of which is not authorised b r;
      • The communication or attempted communication of any information relating examination with any other candidate whilst the examination is in progress;
      • The removal or attempted removal from an examination room of any examination book or writing paper supplied by Ikhala TVET College for the purpose of answering an examination
      • The use of false name, identity number or student number in an examination;
      • The submission for examination as own work any matter that has been copied, reproduced, or extracted in whole or part from the work of another student or some other person, or which is substantially the same in whole or in part as the work of another student;
      • Intentionally or negligently assisting another student to cheat as defined in 2.2; and
      • The commission of any other fraudulent or dishonest practice whereby a student, whilst being examined by Ikhala TVET College, seeks to mislead or deceive the examiner or examination officer.